
Queensland - Gladstone

Trinity Consultants Australia includes Vision Environment (VE), a team of environmental monitoring specialists with more than 18 years’ experience in the fields of water quality and marine ecology. We have a highly qualified team of full-time research staff, dedicated laboratory facilities, specialised field equipment and a fleet of commercial vessels.

We specialise in the delivery and functional usability of high-quality real-time compliance data, and we can provide readily mobilised field technical teams for projects in Australia and overseas.

Our expertise includes:

  • Design and implementation of Water Quality (WQMP) and Receiving Environment (REMP) Monitoring Plans
  • Dredge monitoring and assessment
  • Ecological health assessments (mangroves, seagrass, sediments, macrobenthic, fish and coral)
  • Assessment of marine pest incursions
  • Ecological mapping
  • Toxicity testing of effluents
  • Monitoring the short and long-term impacts of acute environmental events.
VE researchers have also produced a number of internationally peer-reviewed publications for the wider academic community and have substantially contributed to environmental research and development.

VE is a company of commercial firsts in Australia through in-house design and innovation, particularly for dredge compliance monitoring. This has included telemetered PAR (benthic light), the use of altimeters to measure sedimentation rates and bed level changes, acoustic (non-cabled) delivery of telemetered physicochemistry data and the use of a publicly viewed real time dredge status update dial.

Local Leadership

Felicity Melville

Felicity Melville

Principal Consultant
Learn More

Queensland - Gladstone

Unit 3, 165 Auckland St, PO Box 1267
Gladstone, Queensland 4680


Queensland - Gladstone

Our Services Offered

Our local Gladstone staff have expertise in the following areas.

Acoustics, Noise & Vibration

Our acoustic experts employ fundamental acoustic engineering principles to optimize every space for its intended purpose – giving a voice to buildings and spaces.

Air Dispersion Modeling

Trinity provides a wide range of air quality modeling consulting services for regulatory applications, emergency planning, and human health assessments.

Air Quality Permitting

Trinity Consultants are experts in air permitting support for compliance with the Clean Air Act, offering comprehensive services from strategy, application development, and agency negotiations.

Ambient Monitoring and Service Integration

Trinity’s ambient air quality monitoring expertise ranges from the design and implementation of monitoring stations to routine operations, data validation, and official reporting to meet EPA and state requirements.

Marine Ecology Monitoring

Noise and Vibration

Maximize compliance and minimize noise impact with Trinity's specialized assessments, modeling, and mitigation solutions for industrial and commercial sectors.

Permitting and Compliance

Trinity provides expertise across wastewater permitting and compliance; storm water permitting and compliance; spill prevention, control and countermeasures planning and compliance; wetlands permitting; and other CWA programs.

Water Quality and Marine Ecology Monitoring