Water & Ecology

Construction Environmental Management

Environmental management and monitoring for construction projects is a key aspect of our practice. 

The Trinity Consultants’ Water & Ecology team are recognized leaders in environmental assessment and monitoring, offering key services to industry, government and First Nations. With extensive experience gained from hundreds of successful project assignments, and a unique perspective gained by writing environmental guidelines on behalf of government, we offer proven problem-solving expertise to the mining, energy, forestry, LNG, linear development, and ecological restoration sectors.

Environmental management and monitoring for construction projects is a key aspect of our practice. As part of our responsibilities for major EA certified projects, we have extensive environmental compliance monitoring experience in roles as Owners Representative, Contractors QP, and Independent Environmental Monitor and Auditors. We have developed numerous construction ready plans (e.g., Construction Environmental Management Plans (EMPs), Environmental Protection Plans (EPPs), Construction Mitigation Plans, Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESCP), and Best Management Practices (BMPs)) for our clients in the mining sector. We also provide and implement Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to help assure compliance of construction projects with regulatory guidance and permits. We understand the components, challenges, and constraints of construction projects, and can confidently provide the diligence and assurance required to see these through to successful completion.

How Else We Can Help

Related Services


Planning Applications and Development

Our team aims is to ensure that you get the best possible chance of success with your planning application, timescales, and budget.


Fish and Fish Habitat Restoration & Offsetting

Successful habitat restoration and offsetting relies on a strong multi-discipline foundation between regulations and ecosystems.

Fish and Fish Habitat Studies

Fish and fish habitat studies require expertise in fish behavior, site-specific capture techniques and more.

Wildlife, Terrestrial, Ecological Monitoring and Research

We provide strategic advice on all phases of terrestrial and wetland projects from exploration to maintenance and closure.


How We Can Help

Our Services 

  • ESC Plan Design
  • Design Review, & Field Inspection/Auditing 
  • Independent Environmental Monitoring 
  • Environmental Compliance Monitoring & Auditing 
  • Environmental Management Planning (CEMP, EMP, EPP) 
  • Federal, Provincial, & Regional Permit Acquisition 
  • QEP Fish & Wildlife Survey & Salvage 
  • Water Quality Compliance Monitoring & Reporting 
  • Marine Construction Monitoring (MMO and Hydro-acoustics) 
  • First Nations Environmental Monitor Training & Mentoring